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Everything posted by Nan

  1. Hope it doesn't spread. Town isn't in danger but the smoke is not nice and if the wind changes it will be awful
  2. LOL there are SOOOOOOO many good blonde jokes, as well as Irish jokes and a whole range of others. I wonder if one day it will be politically incorrect to tell blonde jokes ?
  3. Happy Birthday, Koach !!!! Have a fantastic day old man !
  4. This is an example of my day love it
  5. LOL I read that this morning and enjoyed it !!!!!
  6. Thank you all very muchly for your kind Happy Birthdays I had a good day, ate loads of chocolate with Kiri and I don't feel even a little bit guilty !!!!!
  7. Happy 4th July to all my American friends
  8. Happy Birthday TV_Tech !!!!! Have a great birthday !
  9. Great story Stormy, but I'm sure it wasn't so great for you both while going through all those dilemmas
  10. Happy Birthday, Henry !!!! Have a great day
  11. When we start our readers chats it is about 8.30am Sunday morning for engines, that for starters is not the time of day anyone would want to be having to fire up the computer (well most people anyway). Also, as Stormy says, engines prefers to support our readers chats from a distance.
  12. For me the good old days would be the days of my youth and growing up so differently from today. To my grandparents, those days when I was growing up were probably the bad old days and frowned upon by the older generation. And so are the days of our lives
  13. When I was young I had a couple of stamp albums and my mother and grandmother would buy me stamps. For a while I showed an interest, and then, like other things, the albums ended up under the bed or in a cupboard. I do recall having lots of Greek stamps as well as stamps from numerous other countries. I loved findingout where they were from and where in the world that country was located.
  14. Nan

    on the move

    Good pics Dodge, can't see what the birds are, they look like they might be lorikeets but too small to tell. There is one up here that looks like a budgie on steroids and is as big almost as a cockatoo, it's called a Pale Headed Rosella, really neat birds. Thanks for sharing. Love the water photos too.
  15. Happy belated birthday from me Walter! Sorry I missed it but I was cruising the high seas .. hope you had a fantastic day
  16. Looks nice and easy and I'm betting it tastes good too, will try this when I'm home from my trip
  17. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Patsy !!
  18. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Dash !
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