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mIRC automation


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It seems we have several snippets of code to auto IDENTIFY.

I think this is the most accurate and effective:



From an earlier post:

Jas has improved this code to work with all nicks (registered and grouped nicks).

Thanks jas :)


on *:NOTICE:*:*: {

if (($network == koach.com) && (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (*please choose* iswm $1-)) {

ns identify ****** }


 bReplace the ****** with your nickserv pass.

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  • Administrators

Kia ora Tony, you asked  about a sound for your nickname and I knew there was a way but didn't remember how untl later (story of my life)

Anyway, go to your AddressBook and the "Highlight" tab then "Add"  in the menu that opens put the name and you can add a sound and a text colour plus some other bits and pieces.

Hope that helps 

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