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Everything posted by Nan

  1. Happy Birthday Jeffblacklab - have a great day !
  2. Happy Birthday Apollo - hope you have a really good day !
  3. That sounds really good, I will give it a try although I shall have to substitute corn syrup for something else as I've never seen it in our supermarkets.
  4. Happy Birthday, theokrass - have a good one !!!
  5. LOL a happy spider would be good so long as it's not living in my house. I went back over the log and promise to sit quietly in the corner and remain unobtrusive Great that Peter de Niverville will be joining us, as he is an author, I bet his input will be interesting and maybe even from a different viewpoint. See you all there on Sunday morning (for me)
  6. Happy Birthday CrashOverRide - have a great day
  7. Great to have some feedback from the author !!!! I bet those who enjoy horror stories will be waiting for the new work to come out
  8. CuddlyOne asked me to add this photo of her new kitten, what a cutie
  9. Happy Birthday David - have a really good day and enjoy your 365 day trip around the sun until the next one !!!
  10. Happy Birthday gh` - have a fantastic day !!!
  11. Thanks for posting that pic - the old MSN chat days were a lot of fun, many of us made friends who still keep in touch and we all have a few memories both good and bad of those days.
  12. Nan


    I'm all for the womens' version too - it fits so nicely
  13. Side rails for the bed and cushions on the floor to break any future falls --- hope it heals quickly and without too much pain Koach
  14. Happy Birthday Patsykins !!!!
  15. I've seen some talking about soft pretzels, something I hadn't heard of so I looked to see if I could buy them in Australia. It seems there is a store in Perth and another in Melbourne or Sydney, but nothing near where I live and frozen ones are unheard of. So I searched for a recipe. I didn't want to go to the bother of using yeast and waiting for it to rise etc. so I looked for a recipe that didn't require yeast. I found one by an Australian chef who lived in America for a while and wanted to have soft pretzels at home so she devised the recipe below. I tried it today, they taste really nice to me but of course I have no idea if they taste at all like the soft pretzels you can buy in American. Anyway the recipe is below: Ingredients: 2 cups (500ml) All purpose Flour 3 tbsp Unsalted Butter 2 tbsp White Sugar 2 tsp Baking Powder 1/3 (75ml) cup Full Cream Milk pinch of salt Coarse Salt or Salt Flakes 1 Egg - beaten (Note: I am going to try adding some grated cheese to my mix next time) Rub the Unsalted Butter into the Flour until it looks like crumbs. Add Sugar, Baking Powder and Salt and mix together. Add Milk slowly till all the ingredients are wet. Do not add all the milk at once. You have to make sure that the dough is not too sticky, but also not too dry. If you need more milk, you can add another drop. Once the dough is formed you do not have to let it rest, you can work with it straight away. Divide the dough into smaller balls. Roll out each ball into a long snake. Twist them into shape and put onto prepared baking sheet. Once you have made all your pretzels, brush them with the egg (egg wash) and sprinkle with coarse salt or salt flakes. Bake in preheated oven 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes (depending on size of your pretzels) - they should be nice and golden on the top. Serve warm. You can serve them as is or with a delicious dipping sauce. Think honey and mustard dipping sauce or even a spicy salsa or nice guacamole sauce. Hope they taste good !
  16. A Cat Palace for sure ... what a great pic
  17. Nan

    Bath antenna

    Wow Henry that is really awesome !!!!! (and a bit scary too)
  18. Wow Henry, that is so interesting and a lot of fascinating places in the world that's for sure. Thank you for sharing with us
  19. Happy Birthday Karim - Have a great day
  20. Ok, let's play around with a little conspiracy theory - pproposed by a friend of mine What about if you were to be told that the Titanic didn't sink 100 years ago today, and instead, it was her sister, the Olympic? What about if it was all due to an insurance scam that went horribly wrong? Let's start at the beginning. White Star Line wanted to build bigger and better ships than their rival Cunard's Lu...sitania and Mauretania. So the builders presented them with plans for 3 ships and they signed their contracts in 1908, when they started construction. They would be Olympic, Titanic and the smaller Britannic. Olympic, which wasn't as yet christened, had her maiden voyage in 1911, captained by Edward John Smith. She had an accident when she collided with an English warship and put huge financial strain on the company, so they had to utilise funds from the building of the Titanic to try to fix the Olympic. Titanic was to have her maiden voyage in March, but due to Olympic
  21. Happy Birthday Casa - have a great day !
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