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Everything posted by Nan

  1. That is really interesting and definitely has the "wow factor"
  2. Continuing the birthday cake theme, it is my oldest granddaughters birthday today and we had a dinner for her last night, here is a pic of her cake. Note the theme matches her hobby-job as a photographer
  3. What a pretty cat .. he looks very happy and content
  4. The girls were getting some sunshine today while they had a chance before the rain comes back
  5. Yes Koach, but not a friend who wakes you up at 6am every morning with a wagging tail and little sharp teeth !!
  6. Nan


    LOL good one Smiley !
  7. Nan


    LOL I've seen a couple of little kids fall off the mechanical horse in the shopping centres .. I shouldn't laugh
  8. This little monster has found a Santa hat in Abi's room and despite my best efforts to return it to it's rightful place in the box under Abi's bed, Boni insists on dragging it out and pulling it around the house by the pompom at the end of the hat. She is funny, feisty and Laylah thinks she is great. When I took Boni to the vet for a checkup, Laylah was upset and thought she was leaving, never to be seen again, and when I bought her home, Lays was really happy. So that was confirmation to me that I've made the right decision to get another dog.
  9. Would make a good whodunit plot for a movie
  10. We went to the vet today and she said, at first glance she assumed Boni is a toy poodle, but on further inspection she would be 90% certain Boni is a Maltese-Poodle cross, so I'm going to run with that decision and it is how she will be registered next week
  11. Well here she is, please note that she was covered in baby hair that needed to be removed so her adult coat can come through. Her next clip will be more "stylish". The lady who clipped her today is also a qualified vet nurse and she said that no way Bonbon could be a shih tzu as her coat is all wrong. Her educated guess is that she is a Maltese-Poodle cross or Maltese-Silky Terrier cross. Now I see her without the big coat, and having had 3 poodles in the past, I am tending towards the Poodle cross. Tomorrow Bonbon goes to our local vet for a checkup and so that all her vaccinations etc can be recorded with my local vet, so I'm going to ask the vet for an opinion about her breeding also. As she was handed over to a refuge, they could only go by what they were told at the time. Here is a pic of her today after her very first clip and I should add she was extremely well behaved for her first time under the clippers.
  12. Boni is having a hydrobath and a clip tomorrow morning, so I shall take a photo so you can see her all fancied up
  13. Bonbon is almost here, she had a sleepover with Abi last night because I still have the extra two dogs (who will be going home in the next hour). Abi and her mum went shopping today and Bonbon went with them. Abi decided she needed something to make her more girly and here is the result
  14. Nan


    LOL .. love it I was outside earlier doing some gardening and when I came inside, Jilly, one of the dogs I'm minding had got into the toybox where the dog toys are kept and upended it so all the toys were strewn around the living room. I guess she wanted the one at the bottom lol
  15. That is definitely wonderful winter comfort food just like my grandmother and mother used to make. I am going to try it for sure
  16. Star the map above is the one posted by our Met Office .. the image attached here, is the "Earth Wind Map" that I was telling you about, it's amazing and you can scroll in and out and move to anywhere in the world to see what the winds are doing. Here is the image for today and you can see the two cyclones (Gillian and Hadi) that are affecting Australia right now. For anyone who is interested the link to the Earth Wind Map is http://earth.nullschool.net/ you can use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out, and drag the world with your mouse to whatever country or angle you want.
  17. Me too Koach, but the way the tracking maps are now, we are on the outer edge of both, so other than getting winds from different directions, it shouldn't be too bad
  18. We have two cyclones in this part of Australia today - at this time it's expected that neither will hit where I live (about 70 miles south west of Cairns) - so as you can see we are the "meat in the sandwich" - it is getting very windy here but don't expect it to get much worse as these two systems move over land tomorrow.
  19. Not yet Star, I am still minding my friends dogs for another week, then we will go and collect Bonbon a day or so later
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