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Posts posted by Nan

  1. When we lived on the resort in Vanuatu, our chef and I organised this diet for a group of people who wanted to lose weight, we also arranged walking sessions around the island as part of the overall diet. We had about 10 sign up for it and it went really well. We did find the banana day the hardest, but our chef make some really good banana smoothies which made it easier. And from memory everyone lost weight and was happy with the result.

  2. Thank you Crysta mia amiga.


    Thank you Endaeias for your message it's very special :)


    bawx thanks for your message and it was good to see you can catch up !


    Apollo, thank you also for your kind words :)


    gh` the flowers are lovely, I shall put them on the coffee table for everyone to see


    What I'm trying to say is I can't find the "like" button for each individual message so consider yourselves all LIKED :)

  3. Noooooooooooooooooooooo .... did I mention that Minty was at my house this morning for a play and she and Laylah are now besties :D .. and NO I'm not getting another dog (walks off muttering "I must resist, I must resist" )

  4. I don't know how either, I was offered Minty yesterday by the owner as a thankyou for helping her with them and helping to find owners for the two boys and another retired showdog. I had to decline unfortunately because I think two little dogs that I have now are enough. Minty and I did fall in love just a bit and if I walked away from her she cried lol. Now I'm making myself feel guilty for saying no :'(

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