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Everything posted by Koach

  1. You can not seriously believe numbers from china, can you? In the beginning china ordered everyone to stay inside their homes in Yuhan, and shot anyone that left the building. Should we try that too? The fact is this, because of our constitution, the federal government can not order states to close their borders. You'd have to change the constitution first. Good luck wit that Congress can not even agree on the amount of $$ to send out as Stimulus checks.. For all our faults in the US, and we have plenty, I'd not change our laws with any other country in the world.
  2. I just noticed this post Nan. I hope she can recover from it. So much for it not affecting young people. She certainly seems to be hit very hard by it. Thanks for the post.
  3. Has it worked in a country with 300 Million people? I think getting vaccines to everyone would be a great start. But, with the virus mutating as rapidly as it is, that may not work either. And we can not stay locked down forever. Unfortunately, this virus may be with us forever, just like the flu we see every year. But, we control that with vaccinations given to a large part of the population every year.
  4. What kind of drastic action is needed?
  5. Elusive_Butterfly asked me to post a picture of her too! Nice picture, Elusive_Butterfly
  6. EB sent me this and asked that I post it online. It's Jason!
  7. Koach

    msn sCRIPT

    Reminds me of the good old days
  8. lol, Deinitely a good night to stay home
  9. It really is odd. it looks like the sky is receding off into the distance. Pretty picture.
  10. Yum! I am not sharing
  11. Koach

    Grocery run

    lol, I just saw this.
  12. LOL, You in the Future. I can believe it!
  13. lol, Nan. She's only Psycho Kitty when I don't leave the door open for her to go out. We had snow and very cold temps for a few days last week. On the 3rd day, she attacked me. Drew blood too! lol I opened the door for her, and she wouldn't go out, too cold. But, I think she blamed me lol
  14. Well, that is sure an impartial list of fact checkers ☹️
  15. How many days till until Christmas?
  16. Thanks Chain, I;'ll give this a try. Koach
  17. Winter is coming, Stormy, you better make sure your snow shovel is ready lol
  18. A good Halloween picture.
  19. That's real pretty, Stormy. How far from you are they?
  20. Hi John, Try it again. I removed the ban. Koach
  21. Thanks, Chain. I learn a lot from studying scripts like this.
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