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New Extended Ban


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I added another module that allows the use of an additional extended ban.


The ~T ban lets you set specific words to your channel's ban list that will be either blocked or censored.


For example, suppose you had someone joining your room and spamming some other chat room, like #KoachsWorkShop. You can now block that word from being said in your room:


/mode #yourRoom +b ~T:block:*#koachsworkshop*


I added the * in front and in back of the word to prevent it from being used in a sentence.


But, without the *, if you entered this ban:


/mode #yourRoom +b ~T:block:#koachsworkshop


and someone typed the single word #Koachsworkshop, it would be blocked.


But, if they typed: join #koachsworkshop, it would not.


As you can see, adding the asterisks (*) to the banned word, will detect the word anywhere in the sentence:


/mode #yourRoom +b ~T:block:*#koachsworkshop*


When a word is added to the ~T ban block list, and a user tries to type the word in the room, the message is blocked and the user recieves this message in a NOTICE:


Message blocked due to a text ban (#yourRoomName)


Note: At this time, webchat users will not see the NOTICE, but their sentence will be blocked anyway.


You also may, instead of blocking words, censor them.


/mode #yourRoom +b ~T:censor:*#koachsworkshop*


In this type of ~T ban, the word is replaced with <censored>


Note that channel operators (halfop and above) are exempted from filtering.


Finally, the Maximum number of ~T ban per channel is 15


Please post here if you have questions.



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