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  3. For comments or suggestions, email to: alpinetx79830@gmail.com Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) September 21, 2024 -- 01:30 A.M. (GMT) Tonight's story is "Green Hoodie" by David Henson. You may find it at https://www.fictionontheweb.co.uk/2023/10/green-hoodie-by-david-henson.html [If the above link does not take you to the story, copy it and paste it into your browser window.] And yes, I checked the date, time, story title, author and link before posting If you have any problems or questions, just email me at the email link above. Kiwi IRC link: https://www.koach.com/web mIRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner I hope to see you all at our chat. Don't forget to bring a friend.
  4. Johnrambo497


    Misty En This Week Three Days 24°Celcius And The Two Other Days 23°Celcius
  5. Johnrambo497


    The Red Stripe That Is The First Daylight
  6. Koach


    LOL, I just saw this. Very funny!
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