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Everything posted by Barqs

  1. ; IP Retrieval Script v1.0 by Barqs @ irc.Koach.com ; 2023-08-21 ; Discover a seamless way to uncover your public IP address within the mIRC environment ; with the IP Retrieval Script v1.0. Crafted by Barqs, this script simplifies the process of ; obtaining your IP address, whether you're a seasoned mIRC user or just starting your IRC journey. ; With a single command, the /ip command, you can harness the power of the script. ; Watch as it effortlessly establishes a connection to the reliable httpbin.org API and retrieves ; your public IP address. The result is swiftly presented on your mIRC client screen, making it ; easy to access the vital information that defines your online presence. ; Whether you're curious about your IP address or looking to enhance your mIRC experience, ; the IP Retrieval Script v1.0 offers a user-friendly solution that emphasizes simplicity, ; effectiveness, and convenience. Elevate your mIRC experience and embark on your journey ; into the world of IP retrieval with Barqs' expertly crafted script. ; Uncover your digital identity effortlessly with the IP Retrieval Script v1.0 – because knowing ; your IP address shouldn't be a challenge. ; Command usage: /ip alias ip { ; This is the alias definition for the /ip command. if ($sock(ip)) sockclose ip ; Checks if a socket with the identifier "ip" is open. ; If it is, the existing socket is closed using sockclose. sockopen ip httpbin.org 80 ; Opens a new socket with the identifier "ip" to the host "httpbin.org" on port 80. ; This will establish a connection to httpbin.org for communication. echo -ca info * Retrieving IP address... ; Displays a message in the mIRC client indicating that the script is retrieving the IP address. } on *:SOCKOPEN:ip: { ; This event is triggered when the socket with the identifier "ip" is successfully opened. sockwrite -nt ip GET /ip HTTP/1.1 ; Writes a GET request to the socket to retrieve the IP address. ; It specifies the path "/ip" and the HTTP version 1.1. sockwrite -nt ip Host: httpbin.org ; Writes the "Host" header to the socket, indicating the host to request data from. sockwrite -nt ip Connection: close ; Writes the "Connection" header to the socket, indicating that the connection should be closed after the response. sockwrite -nt ip $crlf ; Writes an empty line (carriage return + line feed) to indicate the end of the request headers. } on *:SOCKREAD:ip: { ; This event is triggered when data is read from the socket with the identifier "ip". var %ipAddress ; Declares a variable named %ipAddress to store the extracted IP address. sockread %ipAddress ; Reads a line of data from the socket and stores it in the %ipAddress variable. if ($regex(%ipAddress,/"origin": "(.*?)"/)) { ; Checks if the line of data matches a regular expression pattern. ; This pattern captures the IP address information from the response. ; The captured IP address will be stored in the $regml(1) identifier. var %ipAddress = $regml(1) ; Assigns the captured IP address to the %ipAddress variable. echo -ca info2 * Your IP: %ipAddress ; Displays a message in the mIRC client showing your IP address. echo -ca info * Retrieving IP address finished... ; Displays a message indicating that the process of retrieving the IP address is complete. sockclose ip ; Closes the socket with the identifier "ip" now that the IP address has been extracted. } }
  2. Coding my way through the virtual labyrinth, one bot at a time! If you need a digital friend or just want to chat about algorithms and byte-sized adventures, hit me up! Let's create some bot-tiful code magic together! 🚀 #BotWhisperer

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