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Posts posted by Star

  1. When I saw "lawn care", I thought about the lawnlet I made in front of my house. I love it so. Today, I stood barefoot in the grass (one of my joys). I read your story and it was so true and so funny.

  2. Interesting post, Ancasse, and very informative. This is a good summary of how the U.S. can affect people around the world. I took the liberty of helping in a few places with the English. We want to be sure that all of our visitors are not exposed to specific names of people's businesses. Thank you again.

  3. I seem to have some serious issues surrounding the idea of commitments. I just saw I posted the above reply a year ago and I am STILL reading the book. On a positive note, since I have been more bed bound lately, I am making progress. I brought Next and The Pillars of the Earth to the hospital with me and will finish them. This is a good opportunity to finish the myriad of books I started and never finished. I will post what I've finished here as proof I can commit to something.

  4. Day #36. I so miss you all, so very much. Boy was I sick! I had to stay in bed 11/25, but I don't remember much. I got what was passing around here at headquarters. I have been all better for a few days now, but today started coming down with something again. This feels like a regular cold (ugh). I'm drinking lots of orange juice and eating healthy to try to keep it at bay. My boss and her minions left for dinner, so I have a chance to do hit the Internet from the office. Still 12+ hour days every day. They are talking at least through the end of January now. I keep getting a flash policy thing when trying to use webchat, so can't get in that way. Mirc seems out of the question here (at the DRO HQ) or at the hotel. I am truly the taxi princess now. When I walk down the street, they pull over for me without even waving at them. I suspect I have a NY walk now. I know I have NY attitude. I was walking with the light the other afternoon and a huge bus pulled around the corner right at me. I merely stopped mid-street right in front of him, smiled, and pointed politely at the "my turn to walk" light. I suspect the drive did not speak English because he was gesturing at me with both arms, obviously trying to communicate using sign language in his native tongue. I waved back with a big smile and proceeded on my way. My Red Cross phone number is (202) 674-0051. I would love to hear from you guys. I can't talk during the day, but after 8 p.m. or so NY time should be okay. If I don't pick up, just leave your name and number so I can find you. I need to find a long scarf somewhere. It is pretty darn cold here! The taxi fairy was good to me the other night. I found a $50 bill on the seat of the taxi when I got it (woot!). Okay, I got something of a second wind and want to wrap it up here so I can head home to the hotel. Hugs, Deb

  5. Day #27 of the Hurricane Sandy response. The operation provided me with a laptop with an aircard last night, so I can work from my hotel room. New York is an amazing city. I never realized how much New York is part of our lives as Americans. Today was the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I had my first time off since I arrived, a half day. I slept! Took a taxi to work at noon and found much of the city's streets were closed due to the parade. I took a few pictures while we were backed up in traffic. One was of two policeman in front of a baracade with the street behind them empty of people and cars for as long as you could see. It reminded me of a science fiction movie. Another picture was of what must have been hundreds of policemen on one street corner surrounding a subway entrance. I asked the taxi driver what was happening. He said it was due to security for the parade. The last picture was of three little girls playing around a street light pole, laughing and singing. I thought it was cute. I wondered if these little "city girls" had ever had the opportunity to run in a field or play in a yard of their own. It is almost 3 a.m. now, and I need to go back to sleep. I woke up about an hour ago, all congested and unable to breathe. It seemed like a good time to try my Internet connection for the first time. I miss everyone so much. I've talked to gh, EB, and susan by phone and it was nice to catch up. Internet in the hotel was $14/might and is now up to $15/night. Everything here is so very expensive. I have no idea how people can afford to live here! Now that I have free connectivity, I am catching up with home manners (bills, etc.). I have to get up for work in 2 hours, so going to trying to sleep some more. Hugs to everyone!

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