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irc.koach.com: Sluitende link: (108AAD33O@ [Z-uitgevoerd: je ziet eruit als een bot. Verander je nick / ident / gecos en probeer opnieuw verbinding te maken.] En die Melding Kreeg ik dus al een Tijd binnen !!!!

Vorige dwz Niks Meer Deed !!!!!

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Dit Krijg Ik Te Zien in de Roomservice

[07:26] * Connecting to (6667)
You're banned! Email admin@koach.com with the ERROR line below for help.
[07:26] Closing link: (108AAD33X@ [Z-lined: You look like a bot. Change your nick/ident/gecos and try reconnecting.]
[07:26] * Disconnected

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Two things)

1) I can't Dutch.

2)That's not your host mask, your hostmask looks like this:  Zimri!Apollo@k-********.**.comcast.net * Apollo

and how many bots did you try to connect at one time, I see about a dozen.

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I Can See This in the Room Service

[07:26] * Connecting to (6667)
You are banned! Email admin@koach.com with the ERROR line below for help.
[07:26] Closing link: (108AAD33X@ [Z-lined: you look like a bot. Change your nick / ident / cos and try to connect again.]
[07:26] * Lost connection



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