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Posts posted by Johnrambo497


    ⚠ You're banned! Email bans@koach.com with the ERROR line below for help.
    ⚠ Closing link: (John@84-104-211-109.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl) [G-lined: double room wrong create (ID: WQMAEQHWVF)]
    A New Joke 😅😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤣😂😅

    Mibbit is shutting down

    Hello users,

    On the 30th of August, Mibbit will be shutting down.

    We have made this decision because the site is no longer commercially viable, and the creator and the maintainer of Mibbit are both unable to keep the site up to date and relevent. After this date, all user data will be removed from our servers.

    Our recommended replacement service is Kiwi IRC. Check them out! They have a very similar service that is actively kept up to date.

    Thank you very much for using Mibbit and thank you to everyone who has helped along the way :) It has been a pleasure to build and provide the service.



    So the scaffolding that has been up for a few days and what I had warned about will be world wide about that ozone. Concrete will soon be cut out and special concrete grout will be applied. So the wooden frames will be reinforced and the heat-resistant windows will be added. I'm no longer then you know that I have temporarily disconnected the Internet
    Greetings John

    I Do Use Gene Bots Wrong Name Typed in irc.koach.com: Closing link: (565AAJDP2@ircip1.mibbit.com) [Z-lined: You look like a bot. Change your nick/ident/gecos and try reconnecting.]

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